Lesson examining the concept of parliamentary government and the key features of a parliamentary system and presidential system (comparison).
Pupils asked to evaluate to what extent the UK is becoming more presidential and includes brief explanation of the different theories of parliamentary government.
Review materials for exam comparing similarities and differences between the US and UK political systems . Can be combined into a review booklet for pupils or used individually to supplement lesson materials.
Lesson and range of resources that can be used to encourage students to analyse and evaluate the extent of prime ministerial power and dominance in the UK political system.
A lesson examining the principles of the UK constitution including parliamentary sovereignty, rule of law, parliamentary government, the constitutional monarchy and EU membership and the impact of these on the UK constitution.
A lesson examining the effectiveness parliament - stepped approach to answering 'How effective is parliament?' exam question, asking pupils to find their own contemporary examples to use in a model answer.
This lesson examines the committee system in the UK parliament and the extent to which it holds the government to account in addition to the other roles of the committee system.
Lesson introducing the constitutional amendments with examples of amendments approved by Congress and not approved by Congress - could be used in conjunction with articles on a wedge issue e.g. flag burning
Learning Objectives
To explain the procedures for primary elections (closed and open) and caucuses
To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each
Quick plenary game used asking pupils to recognise some of the more well-known MPs and ministers - used when teaching AS Government and Politics (Parliament topic)
A lesson introducing democracy and soveriegnty in relation to the British Constitution examining which forms of democracy and sovereignty are most evident in the UK political system.